Temporary Bridges Update #4
Tuesday Wrap-Up
Tuesday’s nor’easter brought a flood of construction equipment into town as drilling contractor Nicholson set up to begin its work on the St. Stephen’s side of Main Street.
Several downtown merchants contacted me to let me know that two tractor trailers delivering equipment to the site sat on Main Street throughout the morning before they could offload. This was a one-time delivery for this phase of the project but I will alert Kubricky to the need to develop an alternative plan for future deliveries. We’re all used to working around FedEx, UPS, and other delivery trucks on the narrow stretch of Main Street. We’ll do our best not to add to that challenge.
Also on Tuesday, Kubricky completed its test pit on Merchants Row and was able to locate the waterline and sewer force main underneath the roadway. That test pit has now been filled in. Thanks to the folks at Curve Appeal, Carol’s Hungry Mind, Bourdon Insurance, and others on Merchants Row for your patience.
St. Stephen’s Is Open
Access to St. Stephen’s through the front door remains open at all times. I will work with the contractor to develop signage so that pedestrians know they can get to the church by crossing the Main Street crosswalk from the P.O. and coming down the Main Street sidewalk.
You Can Help with Parking
As we’ve seen, the biggest impact of this phase of the project so far is on parking on Main Street. Two things can help with this temporary squeeze.
One, please treat the seven spaces north of the crosswalk connecting the P.O. to the Village Green and the three in front of the Community House as 30-minute parking as a courtesy to others who need to get to the P.O. to mail packages, etc.
Two, if you work downtown, please don’t take downtown parking spaces. This is especially a concern for The Diner, which relies on the spaces on Merchants Row for its breakfast and lunch customers.
What’s on Tap Wednesday
On Wednesday, Nicholson should get underway with drilling minipiles on the St. Stephen’s side of Main Street. Let me know how we’re doing with the noise.
Also, as I mentioned yesterday, Kubricky will clear a handful of trees in the railroad right of way in order to construct the new pedestrian bridge that will connect the Bank to the P.O. and to relocate the town’s Main Street waterline.
Waterline Shut-Off
No update on the Main Street waterline shutoff that I mentioned yesterday may take place next Monday. When I have info on that I will report it.
Barre Trip a Success
Brian Carpenter and I spent part of the day in Barre learning from the community leaders who managed Barre’s four-year reconstruction of Main Street. We’ll be inviting these creative and positive-minded folks to share their ideas and strategies with our downtown business community.
Any questions, send me an email at jgish@townofmiddlebury.org and I’ll cover it in my next update.