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Project Documents

On this page you can access and review important project planning documents.



Posted November 14, 2016:  Attorney Dumont Letter to Secretary of Transportation Chris Cole


Text of Dumont Letter

Attachment 1 to Dumont Letter:  Finger January 2016 Project History

Attachment 2 to Dumont Letter:  AREMA Standards

Attachment 3 to Dumont Letter:  LaFiandra Letter

Attachment 4 to Dumont Letter:  LaFiandra Resume

Attachment 5 to Dumont Letter:  Murawski Letter



Posted June 23, 2016:  Contract 1 Final Plans

You can review the 85-page document that presents final engineering plans for the first phase of the construction project, known as "Contract 1."  This phase of the project, which should get underway in late Fall 2016, primarily involves 1) constructing an access road from the south end of Water Street toward the Battell parking lot (to be completed in Contract 2) and 2) building a new drainage system along the rail corridor from just north of the Merchants Row bridge to north of the Main Street bridge and out to Otter Creek.


You can also review a draft Spill Containment Plan that proposes a solution for "capping" the drainage system outleting to Otter Creek in the event of a hazardous waste spill in the rail corridor.


Contract 1 Final Plans

Spill Containment Plan Narrative

Spill Containment Plan Diagrams



Response to Documentation Requests from Peter Langrock

This set of documents represents the Town's response to requests for project documentation received in letters from Attorney Peter Langrock on April 11 and May 3, 2016.


Correspondence with Attorney Peter Langrock

Langrock Letter of April 11, 2016

Selectboard Response of April 29, 2016

Langrock Letter of May 3, 2016

Selectboard Response of June 28, 2016

Documentation Provided to Langrock on June 28, 2016


VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction


Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way

FHWA memo accepting the Guidelines as best management practice


Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices


Pre-Construction Soil and Groundwater Sampling Plan prepared by VHB for review by VTrans and VT DEC.

Response to Plan from Gerold Noyes, VT DEC


Recommended Budget FY2017 confirming VTrans authority to build the project and the funding.


Neighbors Together Community Action Group:  Action Plan Suggestions

This set of documents summarizes suggestions made by community members attending the Neighbors Together community action group meetings at St. Stephen's in January and February, 2016.  These meetings were designed to define the values that the community considers important to town life and to develop actions plans to help preserve those values during project construction.


Action Plan Suggestions:  Accessibility to Businesses and Services

Action Plan Suggestions:  Project Communications

Action Plan Suggestions:  Preserving Downtown Middlebury as a Community & Cultural Center

Action Plan Suggestions:  Maintaining the Economic Vitality of Downtown Middlebury

Community Liaison Summary of Action Plan Suggestions




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