2018 Update #16
Wrapping up the Week & Looking Ahead
The day may have arrived wet and a little dreary, but downtown saw a lot of activity on Thursday. Here’s what took place and what we can expect next week.
Quick catch-up from Tuesday’s post: Kubricky completed installing chain-link fence around Triangle Park and Printer’s Alley on Wednesday so that work could begin in these two areas.
And begin it did. As planned, on Thursday subcontractor ECI mobilized a second excavator into Printer’s Alley and began demolishing and hauling away the concrete foundation of the old Lazarus building. That work should be completed on Friday.

GMP and Comcast also showed up to raise the aerial utility wires running across Printer’s Alley in preparation for bringing a crane into the area in May. Printer’s Alley is a not a big piece of real estate. It got a little crowded down there during the day. Thanks to all in the area for your patience on a busy day.
Over in Triangle Park, local electricians Peck Electric removed the town’s three light poles for storage and Kubricky began dismantling the fountain, which will be stored at the town’s wastewater treatment plant. Kubricky also excavated the lilac trees and lilac bushes in Triangle Park. These were then transplanted by our Department of Public Works crew, Town Gardener Lily Snow, and Tree Warden Chris Zeoli at the Town Offices and other sites around town.

As I mentioned earlier in the week, the five parking spaces alongside Triangle Park on Main Street will be restored and available for about another two weeks. Those parking spaces will then be taken by the contractor for the duration of the project to provide safe access in and out of Triangle Park.
What’s On Tap the Week of April 30
Early next week ECI will complete excavation of the Lazarus foundation, taking the construction area down to bedrock.
Later in the week, another subcontractor, Maine Drilling & Blasting (out of Gardiner, Maine), will mobilize into Printer’s Alley to begin the lengthy process of drilling and blasting a 40-foot-diameter pit that will extend some 35 feet below the surface. This is the center point of the new drainage infrastructure being constructed this year to solve the long-standing problem of standing water in the rail corridor.
The State is currently reviewing the blasting plan. Once approved, Maine Drilling & Blasting will get to work and we will enter the noisiest phase of this year’s construction. I’ll have more information on this next week. But for now I want to let you know that Monday, May 7, is the day when drilling is planned to begin.
That’s all for today. See you downtown.
Please keep your comments and questions coming. Send me an email at jgish@townofmiddlebury.org and I’ll try to cover it in my next update.