2019 Update #19
The Next Two Years, Got Rhubarb? We’re only a few days away now from Tuesday’s special meeting of the Middlebury Selectboard, where...

2019 Update #18
Downtown Color, Banoffi & The Arts Suddenly Memorial Day is just around the corner and Spring is in full bloom. The Neighbors Together...

2019 Update #17
The Rumor Mill, A Neighbors Together Milestone Did you happen to read the letter to the editor in Monday’s Addison Independent...

2019 Update #16
C U at the UU Let’s get right to this week’s important news. The Middlebury Selectboard and the Vermont Agency of Transportation have...

2019 Update #15
Clean It Up, Ham It Up Working through Thursday’s misting dreariness, the Kubricky paving crew completed one of the last clean-up tasks...