2020 Update #20
Almost There The Governor’s announcement last Friday that outdoor construction crews could expand from two to five people put us on a...

2020 Update #19
Awaiting Friday’s Press Conference, Walking Into History It’s tempting to see Thursday’s marvelously clear blue skies as a harbinger of...
2020 Update #18
As the Spigot Turns: Downtown Construction Update It looks as if we need to wait for another “turn of the spigot” before Middlebury’s...
2020 Update #17
The Latest on the Construction Shutdown Let’s start our weekly construction update with a small but important piece of good news. Fort...
2020 Update #16
Awaiting Developments I hope the weekly update finds you well and adjusting to the new normal of our daily lives. Wearing a mask and...

2020 Update #15
Behind the Scenes of a Quiet Construction Zone This week an unaccustomed stillness descended on the downtown construction zone, the site...