2018 Update #31
Forward Progress; Fudgsicles; Foodaroo
Blasting in Printer’s Alley continued through Thursday this week. Our launch pit, that center point of the new downtown drainage system, now stands at a depth of 18 feet, on its way to an eventual depth of 38 feet.

Next week blasting will resume with another three or four blasts. Timing of the blasts on any given day is variable.
As a reminder if you find yourself downtown during a blast event, here is the air horn sequence used to alert the public during the blast:
4 whistles = we’re 20 minutes out from the blast
3 whistles = 5 minutes to go
2 whistles = 1 minute to go; all pedestrian and vehicular traffic halted within 500 feet
1 whistle = All clear
Over in Riverfront Park, Hayward/Baker got to work stabilizing the slope that extends down from the National Bank’s parking lot to Otter Creek. That week will continue into next week.
We’re expecting that work will begin mid next week in Triangle Park, which will mean the loss of those five parking spaces alongside the park on Main Street. I’ll give a heads up on that before it happens.
Will Work for Fudgsicles
Our friends at the National Bank, ever ready to celebrate the things that bring us together, decided to mark National Chocolate Ice Cream Day (June 7, but you knew that) and National Selfie Day (June 21, ditto) by handing out Fudgsicles to all the construction crew and then encouraging them to shoot a selfie.

Enjoying their “chocolatey fudge bars” in this photo are Mark Alexander (right) and Bob Hyatt of Kubricky Construction. Mark, VP of Construction at Kubricky, has been instrumental in planning and managing our downtown project. Bob oversaw much of the installation of the temporary bridges last year. Mark and Bob typify the experienced professionalism, strong work ethic, and respect for local community that we’ve seen throughout this project to date from Kubricky.
Get Your Food On
It’s officially summer and time for the fun to begin. The Fourth Annual Foodaroo Festival takes place this Sunday, June 24, in the Marble Works from 4 PM – 8 PM.
Presented by Middlebury UndergrounD (MUD), Foodaroo brings to Middlebury the state’s most talented culinary artisans and beverage makers, with an emphasis on Addison County and Chittenden County vendors and farms. From food trucks to brick-and-mortar operations, this outdoor event showcases creative, locally sourced cuisine.
Attendees can taste their way through a wide range of vendors while musicians, street performers, cooking competitions, dancers, and more showcase the best of Vermont’s thriving maker movement.
There’s a $3 cover charge. Kids under 12 are free. While you’re at Foodaroo you can take a look at the construction activity in Printer’s Alley.
That’s all for today. See you downtown.
Please keep your comments and questions coming. Send me an email at jgish@townofmiddlebury.org and I’ll try to cover it in my next update.