2018 Update #32
Parking Update; Blast on Wednesday; Flying Excavators
Last week I promised to keep you up to date on the fate of those five Main Street parking spots that sit alongside Triangle Park. Early Wednesday morning, Kubricky expects to cone off those spots in preparation for delivery of materials into Triangle Park during the day. Once the materials are safely stored in the Park, those five spots will be restored, though probably not for long. Once work begins in earnest in Triangle Park, they will be needed to provide safe access in and out of the area for the contractors.
As I mentioned recently, there are usually several open parking spots in the upper area of Merchants Row so don’t let lack of parking deter your from your downtown adventuring.
Maine D&B expects to blast mid-day Wednesday and hopes to continue with blasting on Thursday and Friday, depending on weather and logistics.
In other news, Monday saw the first instance of the crane lowering an excavator into the launch pit, which now sits around 18 feet deep. This was impressive and viewed by several of the sightseers who are now a regular feature around Printer’s Alley. There’s good viewing from the Main Street footbridge, from the pedestrian walkway in Printer’s Alley, and from the chain-link fence overlooking the rail line at the Post Office.

That’s all for today. See you downtown.
Please keep your comments and questions coming. Send me an email at jgish@townofmiddlebury.org and I’ll try to cover it in my next update.