2019 Update #6
Tree Clearing To Get Underway This Week

As was the case last March, the first sign of construction activity this year will be a clearing of trees that line the rail corridor in downtown Middlebury. Their removal will clear the way for Kubricky to install new Town water, sewer, and sanitary lines in the railroad right of way later this Spring.
The work will be performed by Trees Incorporated out of Rutland and will get underway with survey activity in the rail corridor on Wednesday. Tree removal should then begin on Thursday and extend over about a two-week period. Hours of operation will be the standard 7 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday.
The area to be cleared extends from Cross Street on the south to the Elm Street overpass on the north. The most visible change for most of us will be the removal of trees on the St. Stephen’s side of the rail cut between the Main Street and Merchants Row temporary bridges and along the rail line below South Pleasant Street, where some property owners have asked that trees be removed from their properties in order to improve their view overlooking Otter Creek to the west.
As I get more detail on the work to be performed, I’ll share it in Friday’s weekly update.
That’s all for today. See you downtown.
Please keep your comments and questions coming. Send me an email at jgish@townofmiddlebury.org and I’ll try to cover it in my next update.