2020 Update #31
Temporary Detour for Motorists
Entering and Exiting the Marble Works
The Highlights
Middle Seymour Street closed to thru traffic starting Wednesday 7 AM
Traffic to enter and exit the Marble Works from Seymour Street
Middle Seymour to reopen each evening at 7 PM and at the weekend
I hope you’re managing well in this unexpectedly warm June.
You may recall in last week’s construction update I mentioned that ECI would be upgrading the Town’s stormwater line that runs down Middle Seymour Street (the back entrance to the Marble Works) to the intersection with Elm Street. And that this part of the project would require limiting Middle Seymour Street during the day to one lane.
This two-week project got underway as planned on Monday. As you probably know, Middle Seymour is a narrow, high-volume roadway and it’s become evident that restricting traffic to one lane in this area presents a safety challenge for motorists and construction crew alike.
As a result, starting Wednesday morning at 7 AM, if you’re entering or exiting the Marble Works by car or truck you’ll have an opportunity—for a short time only!—to step back into Middlebury’s past by driving through the old at-grade railroad crossing just south of County Tire on Seymour Street.
As you can see in the diagram below, the detour will be signed. Flaggers will direct traffic both entering the Marble Works from Seymour Street and exiting the Marble Works on Middle Seymour Street.

The sidewalk on Middle Seymour Street remains open for pedestrians.
ECI expects the temporary detour to be in place through next Tuesday, June 30. Middle Seymour will be reopened to motorists each evening at 7 PM and at the weekend.
I’ll have a full update on this week’s construction, including the arrival of the two 200-ton cranes, on the regular schedule later in the week. And thank you again for your patience with this and other temporary disruptions. Each project task crossed off the list brings us one step closer to the finish line.
That’s all for today. See you soon.
Please keep your comments and questions coming. Send me an email at jgish@townofmiddlebury.org and I’ll try to cover it in my next update.